'Although anyone is a target to the psychopathic personality, many of the victims who get preyed upon are highly sensitive, empathic...'
(From Dark Souls, Healing and Recovering from Toxic Relationships, by Sarah Strudwick.)
Let's Begin With The Mafia
Louis Ferrante is an amazing guy. I corresponded with him a few years ago. He's an ex-Mafia member of John Gotti's Gambino crime family who after years spent living a life of crime, during which he was involved in pulling off some of America's biggest robberies - he finally got caught and was sent to prison, for a very long time.
If life on the outside was tough, then life on the inside was to prove to be tougher. The saying 'Only the strong survive' is accurate in Ferrante's case. While other inmates were beaten and murdered around him Louis, through a combination of strength of character and, when required, a pugilistic ability superior to that of his adversaries survived what can only be described as an environment that is something very close to Hell.
After many years of living in prison in a manner that was just a continuation of his hoodlum life-style relocated from the outside world to the inside of the various Supermax prisons in which he was incarcerated, Ferrante experienced a moment of epiphany that was to be the catalyst for a rebirth. For his soul to begin to find its way back home. This remarkable event occurred when, locked-up, a prison warden likened him to a caged animal. In an environment where the most sordid language is commonplace this warden's - by comparison - moderate invective hit Ferrante hard. It was true. He was living like a caged animal, denied its freedom (in his case due to his criminal behaviour).
Ferrante thought long and hard about this and about where his lifestyle had gotten him and as a result he decided to change - totally! Soon afterwards he read his first book in prison... and then went on to read over a 1000 more, in the process adopting a spiritual approach to life, which meant that whilst still inside he began to provide assistance to the needy and vulnerable and upon his release began a career lecturing on the subject of criminal behaviour. Having taught himself to write, ex-con Louis Ferrante is now the author of 2 successful books, plus he presents his own TV series - focussed on warning people of the costs of a life spent in crime - all of which has since led to him being honoured at Number 10 Downing Street, where he received the Reading Hero Award for his contribution to inspiring others in the pursuit of literacy. What a remarkable turn around!
If proof was ever needed that it is possible for some criminals to reform, by rejecting crime and violence to embrace instead spirituality and service to others Louis Ferrante has to be amongst the best examples that exist in modern times. Few indeed reach positions so elevated in the Mafia as did Ferrante, before (to use what is often considered an archaic word today) 'repenting' and reforming their characters by dedicating their lives to the betterment of others. But this is exactly what Louis Ferrante has done and as a result, I personally find him to be a particularly inspiring example of the power that exists within all human beings to change, for the better.
Dark Souls
As I've said elsewhere, before, in my role as a psychic/medium, in 2009 I received an important message from my Spirit Guides regarding those individuals who are, in the field of behavioural psychology, referred to as Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sociopaths. Aurora explained to me, during a self-directed shamanic guided journey I'd embarked upon, that these individuals are not human, as most normal people regard human beings to be, but rather they represent a class of beings (sometimes identified as 'intraspecies predators', in psychological research) in human bodies in which Dark Souls, not human souls, have incarnated at conception, in order to be born into this world to cause as much suffering as they can to others, during their time here. They are, I was led to understand, the equivalent of demonic entities, in human form. Despite the many years of astounding, verifiable evidence that I'd already received from my spirit guides to demonstrate (1), their existence and (2) their ability to convey identifiable facts to me... I doubted whether I had correctly received this message. It seemed too startling to believe.
Perhaps because of my doubts, or maybe just as further evidence, this led, within the week, to Spirit inspiring me to visit the market town of Devizes on my day off where, whilst browsing through a second-hand bookshop, I 'chanced' upon a book written by an American psychic/medium called Sylvia Browne, in which, as I opened it randomly to browse its pages I was met by a section containing a description of her psychic understanding of what causes sociopathy(!), in which she too explained (just like my spirit guides had done) that according to her understanding such souls incarnate in human bodies... to come to Earth to cause mayhem! She even used the term Dark Entities, which is very close to the term the Spirit World gave me (Dark Souls).
I took this remarkable synchronicity to be further evidence - from Spirit - that the psychic message they'd presented to me just days before was indeed perceived by me accurately and what's more had been perceived and understood by Sylvia (and others it turned out) before me, too. I recorded a video on this subject soon afterwards and posted it to the internet in March 2009.
This insight, first presented directly to me, and then represented indirectly (via Sylvia's book) had been preceded in 2000 by a message given to me by someone who is arguably one of Bournemouth's most well-known oracle card readers, who, during a reading explained that I would, at some time in the future, be called upon to draw other people's attention to an issue concerning negative individuals to help members of the public learn how to identify these people and therefore to better protect themselves from them. At the time I didn't know exactly what this prediction referred to, or how it would unfold. I didn't have to wait long...
Enter The Dragons
In mythology Satan is sometimes represented as a malevolent serpent-like dragon. We're also warned that he can appear, to the unsuspecting, as an Angel of Light too. It is his spurious Angel of Light persona that makes Satan so dangerous, because to all intents and purposes he looks like 'one of the good guys' when in actual fact, he's the source of evil.
Whether or not you believe the stories about Satan which have been passed down to us in various forms through many of the world's religions these tales about Satan are nevertheless highly accurate examples of the duplicitous nature of Dark Souls (the term I now use collectively for Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sociopaths, because they share so many of the same traits). Outwardly, at first, Dark Souls appear to be human, indeed, often, at first to the unwary they appear to be amongst the nicest people you could meet, but looks can be deceiving. Behind the facade lies an irredeemable - very predatory spirit - which is hell-bent on inflicting suffering on those around them.
I was to encounter a number of these nefarious individuals, in close succession, during a period of several years after the message given to me in the year 2000 and before the message I myself received in 2009. As a result I learned first-hand how cruel they can be... and how to identify them too, due to my close, concentrated, interaction with these souls from The Dark Side. Today I think that the Benevolent Spirit Realm allowed these events to occur in my life in order to give me first-hand experience of what it's like to brush close to these inhuman people, so that I would be motivated to delve deep into the subject, from both a psychological and a spiritual perspective - to learn what there is available to know, to better share this information with others.
Beyond Subjective
Of course, while today there exists good solid scientific research regarding the measurable ability of the Spirit Realm to communicate through psychic/mediums (See: The Afterlife Experiments, by Dr Gary Schwartz, as one example) it is understandable that some sensible men and women might say that my experience of my own psychic message about the nature of Dark Souls is 'subjective', in as much as, for a start, due to the fact that not everyone has received this message, making it, therefore, harder to scientifically test.
However, facts discovered from the results of research conducted in the fields of psychology and criminology are not open to the same criticism, because the measurements made in these fields ARE open to evaluation and testing by others - which has occurred. And the results gained through much extensive study into this perplexing subject have all come to the same conclusion, which is that these Dark Souls are irredeemable, because (1) they don't believe they have a problem, (2) they don't want to change (you have to want to change in order to be able to change) and (3) they think that everyone else is weak for evidencing compassion, the potential for which is arguably a defining characteristic of what it is to be a human being, which Dark Souls completely lack (this can be measured by brain scans which show that Dark Souls do not register any evidence of the capacity for empathy or compassion, which normal people do). These are objective (worrying) facts, not just one person's 'conjecture'.
Tough Guy
Louis Ferrante, the author of the book Tough Guy shows clearly that not everyone who gets caught up in bad ways is a Dark Soul. We all of us, in most cases perhaps in lesser ways that did Louis Ferrante, make mistakes, and we all have the capacity to be unkind and even violent. The difference between us and our reformed Tough Guy and a Dark Soul is the existence of the potential for empathy and compassion. In reading Ferrante's remarkable story it's apparent to me and anyone else who explores this inspiring book, which is about his process of redemption, that Louis Ferrante evidenced the capacity for empathy and compassion, both in the Mafia and in prison.
Stanley Milgram: How Normal People Can Be Made To Do Abnormal Things
Another issue that needs to be taken into account when considering the conundrum of why some seemingly normal people can, out of character, do damaging things is demonstrated by the research of scientist Stanley Milgram. In a nutshell Milgram conducted a range of experiments on the subject of obedience to ascertain to what level some people could be coerced into delivering lethal electric shocks to others.
In one experiment 26 out of 40 participants 'killed' others. The subjects of the experiments thought they were delivering a range of progressively powerful electric shocks from minor to lethal, to persons they had never met, who were located within earshot, but out of view, when they failed to answer a series of questions correctly. Each wrong answer to a question required the administration of an electric shock. Each subsequent wrong answer required a more severe shock, leading to a lethal (so they believed) 450 volts of electricity.
The experiments demonstrated that when under duress, many people will defer to the commands of a person in authority and do things that they would otherwise never do.
Video exists of these experiments and I recall watching at least one participant pretty much plead with the scientist who gave the commands to inflict the shocks to be allowed to stop, but who, nevertheless, despite his better judgement finally deferred to the 'authority figure' and did so. What does this have to do with the subject of Dark Souls? Well I believe it demonstrates that perhaps most people are more easily influenced than they like to believe they are. However, even in those extreme cases where someone is influenced in a real-life Milgram-like situation to do something really bad, they still have a conscience which tells them that what they're engaged in is wrong, and it is simply their FEAR of the authority figure that prompts them to act in this way and as a result of this fear they develop a perceived transference of responsibility for their actions to the authority figure thereby, absolving themselves (in their minds) to one degree or another of full responsibility for the wrong that they do.
Whilst shocking that one, let alone 26 out of 40 people would be willing to kill, 'in the name of science' the reluctance that some expressed demonstrates that they, like Ferrante, were not evil, but in the Milgram experiments were simply, rather, pliable, when confronted with a formal scientific environment and a perceived 'authority' figure. They deferred - in some cases, I suggest, out of FEAR and deference (these experiments took place in the early 1960s, which was a far more deferential, class-structured society, than we live in today). Fear can sometimes make even reasonable people do unreasonable things. And while what the subjects did in these experiments was wrong (and had it been real, criminal) few if any enjoyed 'killing'. And the evidence shows that some, at least, found the whole situation stressful and unpleasant. Why, because they had empathy! They were therefore very different from Dark Souls.
Combatting Cult Mind Control
Steve Hassan wrote an excellent book on the subject of mind control (called Combatting Cult Mind Control) in which he explained how cults of various kinds (often of a religious nature... which reminds us of our Satan as an Angel of Light analogy) will employ a range of thought modification principles to warp the minds of their victims to cause them to adopt very improbable beliefs and to, in some cases, do some very silly... or dangerous things.
When I was young, naive and uneducated in the subject of behaviour-modification and thought-manipulation I attended a 'Christian Church' for a few years called The Worldwide Church of God, which gradually influenced its members to adopt some extreme views and unusual life-styles. 10 years or more before the world woke up to the problem of Islamic Terrorism on September 11th 2001 I can remember hearing one minister preach to a congregation: 'If someone attacks the church we should pray that they would get run over by a bus or something'. (To attack the 'church' by the way, simply meant, for example, for ex-members to provide current members with printed and recorded evidence of the 'church's' cult status and its documented questionable behaviours.)
On another occasion I remember a different minister railing against the so-called phallic nature of Anglican and Catholic churches church steeples, while saying something like: 'How I'd like to blow them up'. He wasn't suggesting that any of the 'flock' should blow any churches up, nor was he saying that he himself would, nor even that it was church policy to advocate that this should be done (it wasn't). But I think 911 demonstrated how, in a more extreme group than this group was, such as within the cult of al-Qaeda how such comments could result in events that turn quickly from praying for people to be killed, to doing the killing and from wishing that public places could be bombed, to doing the bombing.
Amongst the rank and file members of the 'church' I found attendees to be amongst the nicest, most honest... and perhaps most gullible people I'd ever met. (Don't confuse gullibility with stupidity, one member of the local congregation I attended was an ex-RAF squadron leader, while another was a PhD lecturer at a UK university... and so on.) What made them pliable, was their idealism and their desire to help make the world a better place. They were scrupulously honest. But they didn't bat an eye when minsters suggested the unthinkable.
In another example that occurred in a cult called The Children of God female members were encouraged by the cult leader to adopt a method called 'Flirty Fishing' in which they would use sex to entice men to join the group, some even became regular prostitutes, using intercourse as a 'honey trap' because they believed they should.
The evidence of mind control demonstrates that normal people can be led to accept opinions as reasonable that they would otherwise have thought unacceptable (such as blowing up churches) and even to adopt prostitution as a coercive lifestyle, that hitherto, before being influenced by a Dark Soul, they would have little or no inclination to do. However, such mind control victims can be de-radicalised and return to a normal way of life.
The methods used by religious cults, including those which employ terrorist tactics, such as al-Qaeda, are very good examples of a principle that has been observed in the study of psychopathic individuals, in which they will, sometimes, seek to influence, say a child, to adopt psychopathic behaviours, creating what has been deemed a proto-psychopath. Not a true psychopath, but someone who has been unwittingly coerced to do things they would otherwise never do.
The difference between a true Dark Soul and a proto-psychopath is that the Dark Soul has consciously chosen their evil lifestyle, the proto-psychopath has been the victim of psychological abuse (perhaps unawares) and is responding in a programmed way. Like most non-psychopathic cult members (the nearer the centre you get in a cult the more likely you will find psychopathy, whereas amongst the general membership, my experience is the more likely you will find good people who have been systematically psychologically abused, nefariously influenced to think and behave with various extremes of abnormality) proto-psychopaths retain the capacity for empathy and the ability to change.
Stockholm Syndrome
The term Stockholm Syndrome has been used to define a phenomenon in which an individual, perhaps like Patty Hearst, the kidnap victim, can be made to adopt a completely different outlook to life as a result of being kidnapped, to the extent that later, as in Hearst's case, for example, she robbed a bank assisting her kidnappers! Other kidnap victims have been known to defend their captors, rejecting assistance from the authorities.
Patty Hearst - despite having tried to rob a bank - is not a Dark Soul. Patty, like many cult members, was the VICTIM of Dark Souls and ...interestingly, it has been suggested, because of her capacity for empathy, she sided with them BECAUSE SHE DEVELOPED FEELINGS FOR THEM. Her empathy made her vulnerable. (Make a note of this point.)
Without Conscience
Dr Robert Hare wrote an excellent book called: Without Conscience - The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us. Dr Hare is considered by many to be the world's leading authority on the subject of psychopaths. He chose the title of his book very carefully: 'Without Conscience'. In these two words Dr Hare defines the intrinsic difference between psychopaths and the rest of us, including ex-Mafia member Louis Ferrante, Patty Hearst and those Flirty Fishing women who used sex as a means to enlist new recruits for a strange cult: that difference is conscience. Whilst normal people make mistakes and can be led astray, they all nevertheless retain a conscience. Dark Souls have none. This is what makes them so destructive. How can someone who neither has any true understanding of what compassion is, nor wants to understand (perceiving kindness as a weakness) be anything other than a potential danger?
300 Million Predatory Dark Souls
Experts believe that about 300 million narcissistic / psychopaths / sociopaths exist in the world today. This amounts to about 1 in every 25 people. They're everywhere. And most people are dangerously unaware of this fact. What's even more alarming is that those who have high empathy levels are probably the MOST VULNERABLE to them of all.
Empaths: Blinded By Their Own Light
Dark Souls can spot a victim alarmingly fast. In the e-book called Dark Souls (which, by the way was coincidentally published after I'd been inspired to publicly use the term Dark Souls in the video I posted to the Internet in 2009, by an author who has arrived at much the same conclusion as my guides explained to me, hence her matching choice of title 'Dark Souls', for her book) written by Sarah Strudwick, at book location 574, she refers to a situation in which a speed dating setting that involved 50 people was used as camouflage for an experiment. The attendees thought they were at a genuine speed dating event. In reality they were all part of an experiment into the process of psychopathic predation. Located amongst the 50 men and women who took part was one man, who was an abuser, and one woman, who was a previous abuse victim. It took the abuser just 3 minutes to identify the abused woman ...and leave the venue with her!
Dark Souls can 'sniff out' vulnerability, just like the Black Riders of Peter Jackson's version of Tolkein's Lord of the Rings sniffed the air around them to locate their prey too. Sometimes reality is more dangerous than fiction. Black Riders don't exist, Dark Souls do.
In order for us to defend ourselves against these monsters Strudwick states: 'It's because of this [a Dark Soul's ability to rapidly target the vulnerable, as occurred in the speed dating experiment] that your emotional warning radar needs to work better than theirs.'
We need to become aware of their existence and become more skilled at identifying them, if we're to avoid becoming their victims too. Ignorance is not bliss. And thinking that it could never happen to you is akin to inviting an accident to happen.
Author Sandra L. Brown highlights in her book, called Women Who Love Psychopaths, a number of 'Super Traits' which make some people more vulnerable than others. One such 'Super Trait' is HIGH EMPATHY. The more empathic a person is, the more they're likely to become a victim of a Dark Soul.
In the book Psychopath Free, the author Peace writes: 'A lot of survivors once walked through the world believing that all people had some amount of good in them. The psychopath served as a nasty wakeup call from that blissful ignorance'.
I've encountered this sort of belief in many empaths. It's understandable. Empaths are good people. They want to believe that in all, even the most wicked, there exists some compassion hidden away somewhere, just waiting to be found. Where Dark Souls are concerned the evidence suggests otherwise. Brain scans show that they don't have this capacity. It isn't just missing. It never existed in the first place.
In the book Self Defence Against The Psychopath the author Rik Atherton writes: 'A psychopath cannot change what he is and you can't change that either'.
The sad fact is, though, that many more empaths, once, first having been lured into the clutches of a psychopath, despite his or her unacceptable behaviour will continue to look for the 'spark of goodness' that they believe exists somewhere inside, while the predatory being they're trying to redeem drags them further down into a pit of misery.
The Golden Rule when dealing with psychopaths is not to try and save them but rather to distance yourself and then have nothing to do with them. In the book Psychopath Free the rule is called No Contact. In the book Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath, author Thomas Sheridan makes it even more plain by terming the rule the: No Contact Ever Again rule. No Contact Ever Again!
A Haunting
There's a chilling series being broadcast on television at the moment, called A Haunting. It's a documentary re-enactment style series, in which real-life case histories of hauntings by malevolent spirits, along with many eye-witness statements and comments are interwoven with the re-enacted incidents that form the body of each episode. Some of the spirits which were encountered by the unfortunate people in these reports turned out to be troubled departed human souls, who became confused, or irate after bodily death ...but many turned out to be non-human entities of the type that are commonly called demons.
The eye-witness accounts are testimony, I believe, to the fact that along with a Benevolent Spirit Realm there exists its opposite, a Malevolent Spirit Realm. (Malevolent spirits, like all bullies tend, it seems, to target the most vulnerable.)
Take a look at some of the episode topics here: (1) A Haunting and read more here: (2) A Haunting.
Dark Souls In World Religion
Many of the world's religions make reference in various ways to the existence of negative spirit entities, from Shamanism, through Zoroastrianism, to Buddhism, through the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), to Manichaeism, Gnosticism, Catharism, Sikhism and modern Spiritualism.
Before Western society slipped into this current materialist age it seems that people in general were more apt to remain aware of the existence of not just Light, but also Dark. Some psychotherapists have returned to making this regained and re-acknowledged awareness an important facet in the healing work that they do, for example, author M. Scott Peck MD has written extensively on this subject in his book: People of the Lie, in which he differentiates between human evil and demonic evil.
Dark Near Death Experiences
A small proportion of individuals who have Near Death Experiences encounter negative spirit beings when clinically dead and as a result this encounter with the hellish realm has caused them to mend their ways on this side of life. Harvard neurosurgeon Dr Eban Alexander has offered compelling evidence that NDEs represent genuine afterlife encounters in his book called Proof of Heaven.
What The Evidence Says
The fields of psychology and criminology suggest that Dark Souls are irredeemable. Here's a quote from Dr Robert Hare's book, Without Conscience (page 195, listed under the heading 'Why Nothing Seems To Work'):
'A basic assumption of psychotherapy is that the patient needs and wants help for distressing or painful psychological and emotional problems: anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, shyness, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviours, to name but a few. Successful therapy also requires that the patient also actively participate with the therapist in the search for relief for his or her symptoms. In short, the patent must recognise that there is a problem and must want to do something about it. And here is the crux of the issue: psychopaths don't feel that they have psychological or emotional problems, and they see no reason to change their behaviour to conform to societal standards with which they do not agree.'
The facts of psychology, coupled with the evidence of spirituality which indicates the existence of Dark, as well as Light Souls and which indicates also that these Dark Souls enjoy causing suffering to others, whether as discarnate entities, such as are highlighted in many religions and in documentary programmes like A Haunting, or as incarnate Dark Souls, that psychology refers to as having Anti-Social Behaviour Disorder / Narcissism / Psychopathy / Sociopathy and which psychic/medium Sylvia Brown, author Sarah Strudwick and I have been led to define as Dark Souls and Dark Entities, show that negative irredeemable souls which inhabit human bodies who resemble or are the same as discarnate demonic entities, simply in their case, in a human form are real and need to be avoided.
The Empathic 'Blind Spot'
It matters not then how broadly or narrowly a person sets their standard of criteria with regard to Dark Souls, because whether the standards are set broadly to include the spiritual evidence, or narrowly, basing conclusions purely on the evidence of psychology, both indicate the existence of negative beings, which psychologists call psychopaths who are impervious to changing for the better - because they have no desire to do so. They enjoy their evil ways. These individuals are totally unlike ex-Mafia member Louis Ferrante who'd fallen into bad ways, but who retained his attributes for empathy and compassion.
The evidence also suggests that these unpleasant individuals can spot potential victims blazingly fast, and that they have a predilection particularly for destroying empathic men and women (remember the speed dating experiment).
What's more, it seems that because empathic men and women have a 'blind spot' in their character which makes it harder for them to accept that some individuals are completely evil their innate compassion can, if left unchecked, act as an Achilles Heel of sorts, making them more vulnerable to Dark Souls than the rest of the population who are not so wedded to the idea that goodness exists inside all people that appear (on the outside) to be human, simply because they look human. Empathic people in particular need then, it seems, to ensure that they modify their beliefs to allow for the potential that some people might not be what they seem and that those whom psychologists call psychopaths are indeed devoid of human empathy and are, as a result, dangerous and to be avoided.
Testimony Of Light
Helen Greaves wrote a wonderful book called Testimony Of Light, which is, she says, a collaborative work produced with a discarnate nun called Frances Banks, MA. In this inspiring book the spirit of Banks tells us about situations in the Afterlife where she, accompanied by angelic spirits made her way into Dark Realms to gradually coax lost human spirits who'd gravitated to negative places which matched their poor attitudes in life, to move upward to higher, brighter, healing realms, full of love. She even talked of a 'hospital' like place in the Spirit Realm, where the spirit of a high ranking Nazi (not Hitler, but otherwise unnamed) was receiving healing which, due to the awful things he'd done and the state of corruption that had ravaged his soul his soul therefore needed to be pared free of its encrusted negativity, until it was practically a brand new soul, that would begin its journey of evolution all over again.
Universal Salvation: A Job Best Left To Spirit To Accomplish
I once spoke to an Anglican minister who was attending a dinner party to which I'd also been invited, and he told me that he believed in Universal Salvation (meaning that at some point in the future God would 'save' all souls, including Satan).
I prefer to believe in the potential for Universal Salvation too, whether by a once and for all act of God, or perhaps in an ongoing way, such as that explained to us by Helen Greaves and Frances Banks, in part because I believe that to do so helps to ensure that unlike the Dark Souls which exist, to hope for the best, even for them, is the right thing to do. However... I have also come to understand that all the evidence seems to suggest that on this side of life Dark Souls are irredeemable and that if Universal Salvation of some kind is to occur it will take a miraculous act of Spirit to accomplish because Dark Souls, do not to want to change and that's their biggest problem.
With this in mind, I've chosen to avoid the 'excessive compassion' that some empaths demonstrate by moderating my belief that goodness exists in all people, to accept that it probably doesn't, based on the scientific evidence and the spiritual indications (some of which have been briefly covered above), and have instead accepted that some people are not at all what they seem and that these Dark Souls will use a person's empathy against them, if allowed, targeting their weakest point, as happened to Achilles. My hope is that any people who may have made themselves unnecessarily vulnerable by being too kind and too trusting will think a bit more deeply about such predatory people in the future and being forewarned be forearmed - and will now have nothing to do with them.
No Contact Ever Again!
If you do this you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary grief.
Useful Books (in no particular order):
To learn more about the subjects covered in this article you may find the following books quite helpful.
Testimony of Light, by Helen Greaves:
Tough Guy: A Memoir, by Louis Ferrante:
People of the Lie, by M. Scott. Peck, MD:
Proof of Heaven, by Dr Eban Alexander:
Without Conscience: the Distubing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, by Robert D. Hare, PhD:
The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout:
Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath, by Thomas Sheridan:
Snakes in Suits, by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare:
Self Defence Against The Psychopath, by Rik Atherton:
Psychopath Free, by Peace:
Dark Souls: Healing and Recovery from Toxic Relationships, by Sarah Strudwick:
Combatting Cult Mind Control, by Steve Hassan: