"In rare cases if one twin is ready to work in service with their Divine Counterpart and the other not, then the twin who is ready to receive a flame relationship will create new possibilities with the higher self aspect of the twin into their higher reality... if one twin chooses to walk away from their Divine Counterpart on earth then the remaining twin will be compensated by drawing a second Twin Flame relationship into their lives... A second Twin Flame will still be the person with the matching frequency of the one true Divine Counterpart of which there is only one, but that Twin Soul can exist in more than one person." Nadine May.
The terms Twin Flame, or Twin Soul are spiritual definitions used to describe one soul which is understood to exist in a state of 'union', animating two bodies at the same time. Sometimes though, some suggest that there is evidence to indicate that, in very rare cases, a soul may split into more than two, becoming three or more independent yet simultaneously-connected essences of the One original soul. Such an occurance is broadly defined by using the terms 'essence fragments', 'parallel lives', 'simultaneous incarnation', 'simultaneous selves', 'split incarnation', or more commonly perhaps by the term 'split soul'.
A Psychic Bond
On earth identical twin births occur in a ratio of about 1 in 333 births, whilst identical triplets occur only within a hard to define spectrum of between 1 in 50, 000 and 1 in 200, 000,000 (1 in two hundred million), depending on the statistics being used. Only 70 sets of identical quadruplets currently exist in the world. So too (‘as below, so above’) therefore Triple Souls and Quadruplet Souls, etc, if they exist (which seems likely) then are infinitely rarer still than Twin Flames. Just as identical twins or triplets of the physical type can be shown to have a unique, often telepathic link with each other, simultaneous shared soul incarnations, like Twin Flames and Split Souls, it appears have an even greater connection because they are literally the same soul animating two (or, very rarely, three or more) bodies, at the same time, being therefore connected at a deeper than merely physical level (some use the example of quantum nonlocality as a close approximation of this phenomenon).
Does Everyone Have A Twin Flame?
Some believe that everyone has a Twin Soul. Others believe that only a percentage of people are twinned. Some indicate categorically that, in their opinion, souls can only ever 'split' into two, when a 'splitting' occurs (forming Twin Souls), whilst others state that it appears that just as here on earth where identical triplets and identical quadruplets, albeit rarely, are born, so too ('as above, so below') souls can also 'split' into three or more aspects, like a prism can separate a beam of light into rays of colour, occupying specific places on the spectrum, when the need arises. (Twin Flames are also sometimes called Twin Rays, so the prism analogy seems quite apt.)
One analogy I particularly resonate with that some Twin Flames use to describe this phenomenon is the one that indicates that souls are somewhat like musical notes, for instance C, with some distinct souls embodying all of the characteristics of C, incarnating therefore as 'single soul' non-twins, whilst others incarnate taking on specific elements of C, for instance with Middle C and High C being analogous dual incarnation distinctions in the case of Twin Flames, or in the case of multiple simultaneous incarnations C1, C2, C3, etc, all being aspects of C, yet manifesting with distinct, yet shared, identities.
As you can see, there are a number of popular theories that might be used to attempt to define something that cannot perhaps be adequately described in human terms. What is likely it seems, is that Twin Flames and other similar shared soul incarnations are intrinsically connected at the level of soul. They are indeed 'One'. They may have individual personalities, but their soul 'essence', evidence suggests, shares a common source. My wife Asha and I, for instance, are of the opinion, based on evidence, that we are part of a multiple split soul, which includes her late husband (now in the Spirit World), with whom I share many characteristics (a phenomenon which has, unprompted, been identified by two other independent psychics). Asha's late husband maintains a stunningly accurate ability to communicate with us - and what's more he's responsible for helping us to meet in the first place.
In my opinion then, the evidence seems to indicate that just as here on earth, where most people are distinct individuals, with a small percentage being born as identical twins and an even smaller, rarefied, number being born as identical triplets and quadruplets, that the same is true of souls (take a look at the evidence provided in the links below). At least one experienced writer has I've noticed (excuse the pun) 'split hairs', seeking to make a reasonable distinction between split souls and Twin Flames, indicating in effect that any 'split' involving more than Twin Flames alone is actually a combination of a Twin Flame/Split Soul phenomenon.
If embryos are our guide, a male or female half of a Twin Flame's soul it seems rarely will sometimes similarly split again, after the first division into male and female, so that, therefore, for example, a female twin might, in effect, have two male soul counterparts, both being aspects of the same original male half of the soul (which is how identical triplets are formed, minus the gender difference). Whether such an instance is to be classified as a Triple Flame, or a Twin Flame / Split Soul combination really depends upon the beliefs of the reader. At the end of the day, you must consider all of the available evidence in an open-minded way and come to your own conclusion. Personally, I don't have fixed beliefs, I tend to follow the evidence instead. What you can be sure of, though, is that if you are a Twin Soul, or even perhaps, more rarely, a Triple Flame, or Quadruplet Flame, Spirit will no doubt make this fact very clear to you, with undeniable evidence being presented to you directly BY SPIRIT. This means that the opinions, conjecture or beliefs of others, some of which can be narrow and quite fixed, in light of all of the available evidence need not be your only resource, rather Spirit will surely leave you in no shadow of doubt, if you are truly a Twin Flame and/or a Split Soul, by presenting you independently with proof that can only be described as miraculous. A reading with me, or any other genuine, accurate, psychic for that matter, will only affirm what Spirit has quite likely already proved to you, if you are a Twin Flame, Triple Flame, or some combination of Twin Flame and Split Soul, depending upon the definition which seems to fit best. The evidence will speak for itself.
Useful Links
If you're unfamiliar with the concept of Split Souls, you might find the following links helpful as you seek to discover more. The quality of the information varies and opinions differ here and there, but the consensus seems to be that sometimes, some souls will incarnate as Twin Flames... or occasionally even as multiple split incarnations.
(There are many more websites and books with information available on this subject.)
"Split souls are a rarity... If they meet in this life, they require gentleness and a deep level of compassion and forgiveness for themselves, and each other, particularly at the start, as it can be a very dramatic and confusing experience." The Secret life Of Wellness. Inna Segal.
"I was also told that twin souls were most common, yet triplets, quads and more existed, much as humans can give birth to twins, triplets, quads, etc. Mankind is always seeking to simplify transcendent concepts, and the twin soul concept is just one among many which is unnecessarily limited." John J. Kelly.
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"One of the topics that made Silver Birch so interesting to me... was his explanation of our ability to reincarnate... in many bodies at once. It was Silver Birch who was among the first to explain the concept of so-called ‘parallel lives’ or ‘split incarnations’: Souls who were incarnate in more than one body at a given moment in time." Stephanie Bell.