It is often said that love knows no boundaries and transcends time and space. This statement could not be more true for Kerin and Asha, a couple whose love story is nothing short of serendipitous and magical. Having lived as a married couple in previous lives, they were destined to meet once again in this lifetime, but their journey towards each other was paved with extraordinary events and predictions from Spirit.
Kerin and Asha first crossed paths while working together for Spirit. Little did they know, their encounter was just a prelude to a much bigger and more significant meeting in the future. Before this fateful meeting, Spirit had already begun predicting their reunion through various unconnected psychics. Kerin's friend, who was also a psychic, began to receive messages from Spirit about Asha and her special shared soul identity with Kerin. On the other hand, Asha had been receiving messages about Kerin from psychics since 2011, long before they even met in person.
As if guided by fate, Spirit had also foretold to Kerin through his psychic friend that April of the following year would bring about a major positive change in his life, leading him to his soul counterpart and physical and spiritual 'Union'. Similarly, Asha had also been told by Spirit in her psychic readings that she would meet her Twin Flame in April of the following year. True to these predictions, Kerin and Asha met on April 27th, in what can only be described as a moment of divine intervention.
During their first date, Asha noticed something familiar about Kerin's necklace - a Talisman of the Seven Archangels. It was a piece of jewellry that he had been wearing since he bought it in 1994. To Asha's surprise, she showed him that she had been wearing the same talisman since 1994 as well. In all the years preceding their fated meeting, Kerin had never come across anyone else who wore this specific talisman. It was a sign that their meeting was meant to be, and they were meant to find each other.
As they got to know each other, Kerin and Asha discovered many other parallels in their lives. Not only did they share a special telepathic link that is ever present among genuine divine soul counterparts, but they also had similar life experiences and paths. Asha lived in Swindon, the same town where Kerin's mother grew up and eventually met his father, who lived elsewhere. It was also a town where Kerin's grandfather had worked for decades before passing away in the 1980s. Interestingly, Asha was even working for the same business as Kerin's grandfather, at the same location where he was once employed.
Their meeting was not just a coincidence; it was a manifestation of the universe's plan for them. They were meant to find each other, no matter the distance or time. It was a testament to the power of love and the unbreakable bond between two souls who are meant to be together.
Today, Kerin and Asha are happily married and have built a life together that is filled with love, understanding, and spiritual connection. Their story not only inspires others to believe in the power of fate, but also serves as a reminder that true love knows no boundaries and can withstand the test of time. As they continue on their journey together, they are grateful for the incredible combination of events and predictions from Spirit that led them towards each other, and towards a love that is eternal.
[Asha is also a qualified paralegal.]