'Terrible things do happen... as the history of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries shows. The world contains evil and horror, and suffering is universal. Some individuals, often in powerful positions, torment and kill others on a daily basis. Believers in the Judeo-Christian monotheistic God and proponents of the karma theory may say that this does not matter all that much because in the final analysis even evil leads to good. They seem to be saying that evil is not really evil at all, but good masquerading in an unpleasant disguise. This kind of topsy-turvy argument is an affront to all those who have looked evil in the face - survivors of the Holocaust or the Gulag or the killing fields. For them evil is evil, and all other explanations are but evasions'. Stephan A. Hoeller. Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing, pages 77-78.
Religion has a lot of blood on its hands. It's often been said that 'more wars have been caused in the name of religion than for any other reason'. Whether or not this saying is literally true is a moot point, as it's an inarguable position to claim that countless people have not been killed in the name of religion. They have. And they continue to be. Religion can be a bloody business.
There is a spiritual perspective that established religion has worked especially hard to suppress, it's of the Gnostic perspective and is called Dualism. The first recognised teacher of Dualism was probably Zoroaster (over 3000 years ago). He was murdered. Another was the prophet Mani (over 1700 years ago). He was murdered too. Others followed, including groups called the Bogomils (about 1000 years ago), who were persecuted by the Orthodox Church, and the Cathars (about 900 years ago), who were eventually entirely wiped out by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, due to the brutal wave of persecution that overwhelmed its practitioners eventually Dualism was forced 'underground', so to speak, to avoid the rage of the dominant religion, until a time would come when the forces of Evil would not so easily be rallied against them, due to the diminution of the status of the established church.
I've often pondered about whether if Jesus were to be reincarnated in our time, with full knowledge of his previous existence in Palestine, he would recognise the form that so-called Christianity has taken as accurately representing his teachings, or whether he would see instead a bloated organisation, concerned more with power and status and, often times, of questionable morals than being an entity of holiness? Evidence suggests, what's more, with this question in mind, that those Dualists who were so cruelly killed by Christendom had much more in common with Jesus, than did those who did the killing supposedly 'in his name'. I think that it's quite likely then that while Jesus would recognise amongst the followers of the dominant religions that there are indeed some very spiritual people he'd also notice many who merely give lip service to their professed faiths and what's more, I intuit, he'd be appalled at the track record of bloodshed and corruption that spans the history of much of Christendom (and Islam and Judaism for that matter too).
I've travelled several times to a well-known city in France called Carcassonne, I've been to Bezier too... and I've even explored the small Pyrenean town of Minerve, which is located reasonably close to the aforementioned city and town. All of these locations are places where the Orthodox Church waged a campaign of murder and mayhem against Cathar Dualists, until they were eventually all wiped out. Many were burned at the stake. Others were thrown from great heights in the mountainous Pyrenees and still more were killed in various other ways too. You could be forgiven for wondering what it was that the established religion feared so much about these people and desperately wanted to quash. What on earth could the Cathar Dualists have believed that raised such a bloodthirsty rage in 'Christendom'?
This World Is NOT God's World...
Jesus apparently didn't mince his words when he walked the Middle East 2000 years ago. Unlike many modern politicians who seem willing to say practically anything to get themselves elected, Jesus by contrast was a man of principle. And he could be pretty direct too. For example he forthrightly stated that the 'prince of this world has no power over me' (John 14.30). The prince that he was referring to was, of course God's adversary, called in the Bible Satan the Devil. So, he was being pretty blunt, when he stated that this world belongs to Satan the Devil. Indeed, this message was a dominant theme in his teachings ('My kingdom is not of this world' John 18:36, 'Away from me Satan' Matthew 4: 1-11) This astounding message, that this world is ruled by a Malevolent Entity is essentially what the Dualists understood and taught too. Indeed, Dualists believe that they more accurately represent 'primitive Christianity' that is to say, the original message delivered by Jesus, than that jealously and violently subsequently promoted by Orthodox, so-called, Christianity, since Jesus' passing.
History Is Written By The Victors...
Today we can smile when we recall how the Church of Rome insisted that the Sun revolved around the Earth (although for Galileo it was a matter of life or death: 1, 2), not publicly admitting that they were wrong until, wait for it... 1992! The Church of Rome and its children (off-shoots) are notorious for their narrow-minded approach to matters of spirit and doggedly reluctant to admit to errors, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. The same applies to the subject of Dualism, and, just as Galileo had to recant the evidence of his scientific discovery, on pain of death, others too were told to renounce their belief regarding the existence of an Evil Entity who is largely in control of this world, but, unlike Galileo, despite threats of death, many Dualists remained faithful to their belief and were murdered by Christendom as a result.
The Evidence...
When considering the brutal suppression of Gnostic Dualism I suggest it's important that we pause and ask ourselves then, based on the evidence, who is likely to be more accurate about the nature of reality, after all, the Dualists or the anti-Dualists? Let's take a look.
Those religionists who discount Dualism claim, in one way or another, that a Good God exists who is all-powerful (omnipotent) and all-knowing (omniscient) and that this Good God represents Love, in its fullest expression. However, the evidence suggests otherwise, as this world, full of daily tragedy, terrible grief, suffering, all kinds of corruption and outright evil cannot possibly be the best possible world that an omnipotent, omniscient, totally compassionate loving God could create, could it? Not even the argument that some use to seek to justify the existence of and/or the scale of the evil in the world, which is that God is allowing all of us the gift of free will (meaning that humanity has been given the ability to make decisions, which can be either good, or bad) can account for the intrinsic level of unpleasantness that exists in the material world. Microbes spread exponentially, painfully killing those they infect. In the insect world death is a daily fact of life ('come into my parlour said the spider to the fly'). Indeed throughout the animal kingdom we see evidence of 'nature red in tooth and claw', a world of 'dog eat dog', 'lion eat impala', 'croc eat wildebeest'... and even wolves killing and eating defenseless lambs. Not a pretty sight!
At the human level history is replete too with examples of bloodthirsty dictators, cold-blooded killers, corrupt officials, disease pandemics, natural disaster and the daily struggle to survive that most people wrestle with in various ways. Who in their right mind would lay responsibility for this at the feet of an omniscient, omnipotent God of Love? because if you insist that such a being exists, that's where responsibility must ultimately be placed. Therefore, belief in an omnipotent, omniscient Good God is incompatible with the evidence around us. Just as the Roman Church's past insistence that the Sun revolved around the Earth was incompatible with the clear evidence of science too.
Survival Of The Fittest?
The reality of the world around us seems to suggest that a Darwinian evolutionary process of 'survival of the fittest' is at work, meaning that we have, on this basis, no need to invoke either a God or a Devil to account for the physical realm, or the state of this realm, as Darwin's model does very accurately seem to sum up the 'dog eat dog' nature of physical reality. Were it not for other kinds of evidence, I think, based on my own observations, that I personally would hold a humanistic evolutionist viewpoint. However, there is other evidence that indicates that there's more to this issue than is at first apparent, and, just like the Roman church appears to be (based on its track record), you'd have to be willfully blind in order not to see it too.
The Afterlife Evidence...
There is a considerable body of evidence which exists that indicates that mediumship genuinely occurs and that mediums (like myself) are demonstrably able to communicate with discarnate beings to receive accurate information about a life and a realm beyond this realm. (Here are a couple of links for you to visit to explore some of the evidence, the first relates to the outstanding experiments that Dr Gary Schwartz of Arizona State University has been conducting into the subject of mediumship and the second is about the remarkable evidence of a Near Death Experience gained by Harvard Neuro Surgeon Eban Alexander: 1, 2.) Writing as a medium I too, like Drs Schwartz and Alexander, in the course of my work receive remarkable evidence in non-ordinary (psychic) ways from spirit beings, including specific names, details of significant events from their previous earthly lives and other corroboratory evidence which has been vouched as being accurate and meaningful by many clients over the years. What's more, I myself have had readings with other psychics who have similarly provided ample evidence to me of their own ability to perceive information in a non-ordinary (psychic) way too. Millions of others have also encountered evidence of the Spirit Realm in various ways. The evidence amassed by mediumship and suchlike then is overwhelmingly in favour of the existence of a Spirit Realm and of life after death, except to those who wilfully refuse to acknowledge it.
The Nature Of God...
Taking account of the scientific evidence in support of the existence of a Spirit Realm... and the personal evidence gathered by millions more people this means that, if we accept the premise of the existence of a Spirit Realm that Darwinian evolution, can, at best, only offer a partial answer to the state of the material world. As soon as we introduce the potential for the existence of a Spirit Realm blind evolution can no longer stand as the full and complete answer to all of our questions about the development of life, in all its multifaceted forms. The spiritual conundrum always leads us back to asking if a Spirit Realm led by a God of Love, or a collective of Benevolent Beings exists then how come the physical realm is in such a mess? The answer? Dualism.
You see, the Dualists have understood that, in the material realm, the Good God does not reign supreme in the way that some religions have have suggested he does. For sure, the Good God, or the Benevolent Collective (if there's more than one Managerial Being) is indeed the most powerful (more powerful, overall, than any Negative Entity, or Malevolent Collective), to the extent that from our human perspective this power is so vast that it's incalculable for we mere mortals to even begin to comprehend, however... it does not represent omnipotence or omniscience in the way that's often indicated or implied by those anti-Dualists when they try to describe God. That kind of God can't possibly exist, as the evidence is clear for all to see. For an omnipotent omniscient God to exist of the kind often suggested by the anti-Dualists it would indicate that such a God could not be a God of Love, because the evidence of the cruelty and suffering that exists in our world, when measured against the standard of omnipotence cannot be the result... if such a truly omnipotent God is also a God of Love. A God of Love is not incompatible with the evidence of the physical world: but an omnipotent/omniscient God of Love is indeed incompatible with the evidence of the world around us.
The Dualists however seem to have more accurately understood the nature of reality. They believe in a God of Absolute Love, and Absolute Power, in the heavenly realm, but of diminished power, by comparison, in the physical realm. They suggest that the physical realm is either fully the construct of the negative Entity (Pure Dualism) or that the physical realm was manifest by the Good God but has subsequently been contaminated by the Negative Entity (Mitigated Dualism). And (based on the evidence of history) it seems that the Negative Entity didn't want this message to survive because time and time again the followers of Dualism have been persecuted and killed, by secular and religious temporal powers. It appears that this message is just too 'hot' for the Darkside to allow to be freely disseminated. Why?
Wake Up!
Dualism suggests that most people are like sleepwalkers, alive, but barely aware of the true nature of reality. They're deluded by their own culturally conditioned beliefs and by their addictions to the material realm ...and by the Malevolent Entity. The Malevolent Entity wants to keep things this way and encourages millions of people to lead, relatively speaking, shallow lives and to indulge in ego-driven addictions to the things of this world, which ultimately, currently is 'Satan's world' (Satan being the prince of this world, described by Jesus and others), whereas the Good God seeks to encourage people to wake up, spiritually speaking, and begin to look beyond the parameters of the shallow corrupt society around us, to ask meaningful questions in an unbiased way and to arrive at the obvious answers in order to cure humanity of its addictions to unsustainable erroneous beliefs, and therefore to begin free us from the grip of the Malevolent Entity.
Direct Messages...
Before I'd begun to study the history of Dualism, in this present life of mine, the Spirit World had begun to purposefully lead me over a period of several years to reach the same aforementioned conclusion as that to which the Dualists were led... as a result of direct teachings psychically presented to me from the Spirit World. What's more the Spirit World backed up their teachings through synchronicity and by providing me with several encounters with a number of sociopaths in recent years, to underscore their message. For example, in one channelled message my spirit guides informed me that 'Dark Souls' incarnate in this world, as 'foot soldiers' for the Devil, appearing as malicious sociopaths hell-bent on bringing misery to as many people as possible during their lifetimes. At first I doubted this message as it seemed so contrary to what I'd believed up until then. So, as if to underscore the point they'd made, about two days later the Spirit World inspired me to drive to a town called Devizes, which is located about an hour and twenty minutes from my home town of Bournemouth, where I visited a second-hand bookshop and while I was in the bookshop I noticed a book by an author called Sylvia Browne, someone I was unfamiliar with up until this point, who also works as a psychic medium, so I picked the book up and opened it and as I did I chanced upon a page in which she explained that according to her psychic understanding 'Dark Entities' (a term she used which was almost identical to the term 'Dark Souls' I'd been given by the Spirit World just a couple or so days before) incarnated (get this!) as sociopaths, in order to cause as much mayhem as they can during their corporeal sojourn on Earth. To allay my doubts my spirit guides had sent me on a journey to locate a book in which another psychic explained that she had received the same understanding!
Repeatedly over the years my spirit guides have also encouraged me to ask difficult searching questions regarding the nature of God, reality and the Spirit World which have torn at the fabric of the conditioned beliefs I'd inherited from the culture around me and as I followed their guidance I began to see, like others before me, that the world in which we live is false, obscuring the true nature of reality from most people's perceptions in the form of a hypnotic veneer of delusion, constructed to keep the masses in thrall, gullibly ensnared by the mind-control of the dominant system, which ultimately is, according to Dualism, currently tipped in favour of evil.
When we put into this context the additional fact that Spirit has successfully communicated to me (over a number of years) major world news events before they've happened and been equally successful in conveying to me incredible levels of highly accurate evidence for my clients during the readings I provide and because of the evidence of history and the world around me (which is that, on the whole, there clearly exists a battle between good and evil taking place... right down to the very fabric of this often nightmarish world where living beings tear other living beings to pieces and where, from ants to humans, wars are waged on a daily basis) I have now come to accept, to one degree or another, the essential accuracy of the Dualist message.
No Hell Below Us, Above Us Only Sky...
I very much like John Lennon's beautiful song called Imagine. You might recall how, in addressing his message of a call for peace to the world he sang the words: 'No Hell below us, above us only sky', to strike a chord of familiarity in line with most people’s conditioned understanding that Heaven exists spiritually speaking 'above' the Earth and Hell 'below', with the physical world balanced somewhere between these two realms. I suggest that, while sometimes this may be a reasonably accurate description to use to denote the approximate spiritual position of the Earth when measured against the spiritual polarities that exist, often times though perhaps a better way of looking at the situation is by imagining an image of the Earth, such as one of those pictures taken from outer space by NASA, and rather than visualising an 'above' and 'below' imagining instead a dividing line bisecting the Earth, which, depending upon the spiritual state permeating the planet at any given moment is either raised very high (with, say, 70% of the Earth submerged beneath the dividing line) or (assuming that such a time has existed) when the spiritual state of our world is more evolved the line being located towards the bottom half of the globe, indicating that the Earth exists predominantly in the higher field of the Benevolent Spirit Realm. This principle then means that we might best consider the Earth as not so much suspended in a separate zone between two fields of influence (good and evil) but rather that only two zones exist (good and evil, or Heaven and Hell) and that there is a clear specific dividing line between these two spheres and that the Earth moves up, or down, across that dividing line, either evolving spiritually at times of compassion as it rises or degenerating, at times of war and corruption as it sinks.
This is the message that I've been psychically presented with by the Benevolent Spirit Realm and it accords reasonably well with the overall historical message of Dualism. (Particularly as I'm led to believe that the balance is currently weighted in favour of Evil, perhaps 60/40 or 70/30: which, again, is evidenced by the daily news.)
Such a proposition might at first sound alarming upon first encounter (or even enraging, as historically so often it seems to have been amongst anti-Dualists) but if we recall recent history for say even just the last 100 years we remember the death and destruction caused by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin and we can see the destructive influence of modern greed-centric multinational businesses, along with the terrible corruption that exists within the banking sector and amongst so many politicians. We can see too that the pharmaceutical industry is not an industry of compassion but of avarice, as it wrings the last penny out of the sick, or out of the funds of those who seek to treat the sick (hospital staff), while painfully killing untold millions of animals in experiments that according to the director of one of the most infamous vivisections labs (Hunting Life Sciences) prove that animal tests and human results only agree 5-25% of the time, which means that, even if a person condones vivisection, it is shown to be anywhere upwards of 75% inaccurate as a model for developing drugs for humans. What's more, we live in a world where yearly 100 billion animals are killed in hellish ways by the meat and leather trade, while most of the population turns a blind eye to their suffering, demanding more meat and leather, thereby indirectly robbing these vulnerable creatures of their lives, due to the awful deaths they encounter, that are a direct result of our 'supply and demand' world. Sadly too, many people end up in dead-end jobs, working long into their dotage, living only for weekends and holidays, because they hate the jobs they do. Is this really the best possible world that an all-powerful God of love could create? I don't think so.
The Message Of Dualism...
My understanding of Gnosticism, of which Dualism is a part is that unlike many of the so-called World Religions which exist today, it is not a religion of dogma, but rather of direct experience of the Spiritual Realm. Dualists tend to be peaceful (the Cathars were known as 'Good Men' and 'Good Women'), compassionate (usually refraining from eating animals) and deeply spiritual people, who have been led to a place in their spiritual evolution where they are willing to think for themselves, to ask important questions and to weigh and measure the evidence of the world around them in the light of their spiritual experiences and then in contrast to the indoctrination of the dominant (repressive) religions and hierarchical power structures that would teach that this world is the Good God's world they have (bravely, given the evidence of how others can react to these insights) instead come to the only conclusion that it is, it seems, sensible to reach, which is that this world cannot be the best possible world that an omnipotent omniscient God of Love would create, so, therefore, it must either have been created by an inferior being, or, at the very least, damaged by an inferior being.
I currently lean towards the principle of Mitigated Dualism. Personally my present opinion is that the Good God did indeed initiate the act of creating the physical universe (or possibly even a physical multiverse), but that at some point in this process the Diabolical Entity which exists infected Creation with the energy of evil, slanting it in the direction of opposites (dualism), light and dark, good and bad... so that as the energy of life began to spread across our planet (projected by the Good God) resulting eventually in giving rise to living beings (somewhat like occurred in the fictional Star Trek movie called The Wrath of Khan when a barren planet was rapidly terraformed by 'Project Genesis'), some of that life was 'nudged' out of kilter and acquired unpleasant attributes, so that, for example, humankind would evolve mixed to one degree or another with elements of good and evil in its collective character, and where beautiful animals like lions would evolve in such a way as to be able to express much tenderness towards those they love, and savage fury towards those they've been conditioned to eat. We could liken this mixing of the energies of good and evil to the mixing together of blue and yellow paint, in order to create green. At the outset there are the colours blue and yellow. The proportion of how much of each primary colour is added to the other will determine whether the green created is of a lighter or darker shade. Once mixed the colours are no longer completely either blue or yellow, but a combination of both: green. Likewise, as the mixing of the energies of good and evil occured at such a fundamental level the very fabric of the physical world now conforms to this co-mingling of influence.
Are You Addicted To Your Beliefs?
One of the ways you can explore to test whether or not you are addicted to beliefs that have little or no evidential basis to sustain them beyond the fact that others believe what you believe too (which is a form of fundamentalism) is to observe your own reaction to the presentation of spiritual issues which don't obviously accord with your own. Some people, when confronted by information that challenges their fixed beliefs simply turn the page and ignore it (sweeping it under the carpet), others lash out at the messenger (persecutors), while some take things to the extreme and literally kill those with whom they disagree (look at Militant Christianity and Militant Islam for countless examples of mindless emotion-fueled rage directed at those holding different points of view from the killers). The wise person is not driven by knee-jerk emotion but instead sensibly gathers the evidence and considers the facts of the matter before arriving at a conclusion. What's more, the wise person does not become addicted to a conclusion, but is prepared to shift an opinion or belief - based on the evidence. With this in mind, what has been your reaction so far to the message of Dualism? What is your reaction now as you think about your reaction? What can you learn about yourself as a result of your reactions? How might this experience of observing your own automatic reactions help you spiritually?
The message of Dualism has been presented and represented time and time again to humanity, but the Dark Realm always seeks to suppress it. As a result, because it is to some (most?) so contrary to the received impression of the nature of God, that even when faced with the evidence of the world around them and the messages of the Spirit Realm the weight of the power of indoctrination still causes many to emotionally recoil from the message, even though there is currently probably no more logical alternative.
Wake Up! ...To The Good News...
The message of Dualism is essentially a call to humanity to 'wake up!' from the deluded trance that dulls the senses of most people to the evidence around them and to reject the rule of the 'prince of this world', to turn instead whole-heartedly to living a life that's in harmony with the Higher Realm, which is love and compassion, because the more more of us do this together the more we will collectively raise the vibration of the planet and begin to pull it up 'by its bootstraps' out of the influence of the Satanic field of energy and higher into the benevolent field of the Love Realm. As this happens we shall see a profound shift beginning to occur throughout the very fabric of Creation, with beneficial results on so many levels (speaking of people's relationships with each other for example we can recall the verse in Isaiah 11:9 which predicts that 'They will neither harm nor destroy...' and of how in Isaiah 11:6 we are told that 'The wolf will live with the lamb').
Gnostic Dualism teaches us that we are spirits which have become (for various reasons, depending upon which thread of Gnosticism a person follows) trapped in matter. Our personal spiritual evolution involves each of us awakening to the fact that the physical world is not our natural home and to seek to reach a point of spiritual development where we no longer succumb to the materialistic and religious addictions of this world but rather begin to live in harmony with the influence of the Higher Realm today, growing in spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) and by seeking to assist the global process of spiritual evolution by living with love and compassion in our daily lives, thereby helping to make the world a better place. Then, when it is each our time to return to the other side of life, we will no longer be drawn back to this world by our false beliefs and addictions and instead be free to progress spiritually by ascending through ever higher levels of development and understanding, traversing through the realms of Heaven ever closer to the Source (from which we originally came), which is Pure Love.
Dualism is a message of love, of spiritual healing and of understanding that there is a Higher Realm, from which we spirits have descended, in the process taking on forms of flesh, sometimes over many lifetimes... a Higher Realm to which we are destined to return, eventually, permanently, when we each untangle ourselves (with the help of the Benevolent Spirit Realm) from the co-mingled influence of the Negative Realm and embrace fully the influence of the Benevolent Realm. Dualism is a positive message of liberation from evil, from pain and from suffering. It explains that as a person develops understanding of the predicament in which they find themselves that a wonderful process of emancipation begins to occur. This process is supported by the Benevolent Realm, which, although it takes time, perhaps longer than any compassionate person would prefer, nevertheless since the Good God is ultimately more powerful than the Negative Entity, is destined to turn out in favour of a victory of Love over Hate, of Ultimate Good over Ultimate Evil. This is why Dualism teaches us that Evil is real, that evil exists, because in order to return home we must first remember the we originate from a Realm of Love and it is to this Realm that we can return. We need to remember that this co-mingled world is not really our home, but rather a temporary residence. Home is a place of Pure Love.
This is the message that I, like others, have been inspired by the Spirit Realm to share with those who have open hearts and minds to the process of developing Gnosis (spiritual knowledge). For thousands of years the Negative Entity has tried to suppress this message, using the hierarchical power structures of the false religious authorities of this world to brutally wage war against those who have been bold enough to share this inspired message. But the message of Love is stronger and continues to exist.
Here are some useful links to a few books containing more information on this subject:
A Foot in Both Worlds: A Doctor's Autobiography of Psychic Experiences, by Dr Arthur Guirdham:
Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing, by Stephan A. Hoeller:
We Are One Another: A Record of Group Reincarnation, by Dr Arthur Guirdham.
Obsession: Psychic Forces and Evil in the Causation of Disease, by Dr Arthur Guirdham.
The Gnostics, by Tobias Churton:
See also my articles: (1) Sant Mat and Gnosticism, (2) Santeria And Gnosticism, (3) Dualism, (4) Gnosticism, (5) The Convergence of Radha Soami Beliefs and Gnosticism, (6) Our Spirit Origins, (7) A Divine Frequency, (8) Does God Exist?, (9) A Crisis of Faith?, (10) Empathic Vulnerability, (11) Spiritual Awakening, (12) If Everyone Goes To Heaven, Then It Won't Be Heaven, (13) The Divine Aeons, (14) Divine Emanations, (15) Aeons Vs. Archons, (16) Deconstructing The Matrix: Gnostic Themes in a Virtual Reality, (17) Gnosticism and Vodou's Shared Cosmological Visions, (18) Gnostic Spiritualism, (19) Transcendent Principles And The Collective Unconscious.