Across the ages human beings have been blessed with revelatory insights into the character of the Divine and regarding the nature of our own souls. At the centre of this revelation is a complex understanding of God, the spiritual order, and the relationship between light and darkness. This theology of uniplurality—where oneness contains and expresses itself through multiplicity—offers a harmonious worldview that resonates with insights from world religions, spiritual science, and philosophical thought.
The One in Many: Understanding God as a Uniplural Being
At the heart of our belief is the assertion that God is One with a multiplicity of manifestations—a uniplural being. Imagine the universe as a kaleidoscope, where the vibrant array of forms and colours stems from a single light source. God, in this vision, is that source: a unified essence emanating as angels, Gods, and Goddesses, recognised across myriad cultures. These emanations serve as reflections of divine principles, reaching humanity through varied symbols and archetypes.
Among the most revered manifestations is the Divine Feminine—Sofia in Gnosticism, Mahadevi in Hinduism, the Triple Goddess in various spiritual traditions—and here, as revealed by Kerin, Aurora-a nurturing and guiding force essential to creation's balance. Complementing this is the Divine Logos, seen as the Word, or as Nur-Muhammad, the blueprint of creation, or the spiritual lineage of avatars. In Hindu thought, Krishna's assertion of reincarnating to confront evil illustrates how divinity manifests recurrently to heal and guide creation. The Bahá’í belief in progressive revelation—the arrival of divine messengers across time, as emanations—mirrors this idea, weaving a common spiritual thread across faiths.
Divine Sparks in Human Souls
Central to this worldview is the profound belief in humanity's divine essence. Every human—and indeed, every being—is a spark of the divine, originating from the One. This concept evokes recognition of our intrinsic connection to the sacred, fostering both humility and responsibility.
The spiritual journey for these divine sparks unfolds across multiple dimensions: physical, spiritual, and metaphysical. This belief embraces reincarnation and the phenomenon of parallel and sequential incarnations, which accounts for twin flames, parallel lives, and split souls. It elucidates the diversity of individual experiences while affirming a shared destiny: eventual reunification with the Light, the divine source.
The Spirit Realm and the Cosmic Battle
Spiritual mediums, ancient prophetic voices, and contemporary researchers like Professor Gary Schwartz and Professor Archie Roy provide compelling evidence of a dynamic spirit realm. This realm comprises both benevolent guides and adversarial entities. The parable of the wheat and the tares in the Bible eloquently illuminates this dual spiritual reality, where forces of light and darkness coexist temporarily.
On one side of the spectrum are angels and divine beings, aiding humanity in its spiritual journey. On the other are spirits of contrary nature, emanations of an adversarial entity often symbolised as the Devil, Iblis, or Druj in various traditions. This malevolent presence is linked to the darker aspects of human character, described as the Dark Tetrad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism). Such individuals often serve as conduits of these forces, perpetuating societal divisions, suffering, and oppression.
Additionally, demonic beings—identified by figures such as Father Gabriele Amorth and M. Scott Peck—support these darker forces, influencing human behaviour and sustaining the chaos we see in the world today. Yet, the cosmos remains a stage for an ultimate moral drama: though darkness challenges and distorts, light ultimately prevails, as foretold in countless sacred narratives.
The Role of God in a Broken World
A core premise of our belief system acknowledges the existence of seeming imperfection, suffering, and conflict in the world. While God is omniscient and omnipotent in the spiritual and heavenly realms, divine power in the material world operates differently. Rather than instantaneous resolutions, God’s interaction with creation is a gradual process of transformation, lovingly but persistently overcoming darkness.
Our perspective provides a framework for understanding why good and evil co-exist: the adversarial force is real, potent, and persistent in the material realm. However, God’s benevolent will is ultimately stronger, setting the course for eventual triumph over darkness—a process that unfolds over time and through the collaboration of divine emanations, human action, and spiritual guidance.
A Universe of Many Dimensions and Multiverses
The vision of creation presented here transcends the limitations of a solely physical universe. This is a cosmos marked by many dimensions, encompassing levels of spiritual existence (“heavens”) and a material multiverse where uniplural souls experience diverse incarnations. Such a perspective hints at the vibrancy and vastness of creation, emphasising the interconnectedness of all life.
This multiversal vision also invites an inclusive view of spirituality, harmonising truths from traditions such as Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, Catharism, Hinduism, Yazidism, and Yoruba, for example. Each of these rich traditions maps facets of the divine journey, highlighting humanity’s shared spiritual heritage.
Progressive Revelation and the Role of Religion
We embrace the concept of progressive revelation, the understanding that divine truth unfolds over time and across cultures. No single religion possesses the entirety of divine knowledge; instead, each offers a piece of the greater puzzle. From the Zoroastrian emphasis on duality to Yoruban veneration of Orishas as emblems of divine energy, these traditions reflect shared truths that resonate in the uniplural vision of God and the universe.
Progressive revelation invites dialogue rather than division. It calls for the unification of science, religion, and spirituality to explore life’s ultimate questions and rediscover humanity’s divine purpose.
The Ultimate Reunion: Returning to the Light
In this theology, the ultimate goal of all existence is a return to the Light—the divine source from which all emanations originate. Guided by the Divine Feminine, the Logos, and angelic spirits, human souls will traverse the spiritual path to reunite with God. Even in acknowledging the adversary’s force, hope lies in its temporal nature, destined to be overcome and eternally confined.
A Call to Unity and Understanding
In a world marked by division, suffering, and spiritual disconnection, this uniplural belief system invites us to reimagine God, creation, and humanity’s role within it. It emphasises unity amid diversity, responsibility amid divine support, and hope amid struggle.
By embracing the multiplicity of divine manifestations, cherishing the divine essence within ourselves and one another, and engaging in the timeless battle between light and darkness, we work toward the realisation of a better world—one where humanity fulfils its destiny by returning to the Light and becoming one with God once more. The journey is vast, but the promise is eternal.
Helpful articles:
(1) Why This World Cannot Be The Best Possible World, (2) The Unthinkable Demand: Why A Loving God Would Never Demand Blood Sacrifice, (3) The Power of the Sower in a Modern Context, (4) The Subtle Deceptions of Darkness.