Cross Correspondence In Psychic Readings And Psi Research
One of the most remarkable forms of evidence that can occur in the the field of research into the subject of psychic mediumship is when what's known as a cross correspondence message occurs. A cross correspondence, in this context, is when, for example a spirit conveys a partial message through one psychic, with another part of the message being relayed through a totally unconnected psychic in another part of the country, or even another part of the world. When seeking to design robust experiments into 'life after death' this phenomenon has been said to provide 'the gold standard' of survival evidence.
The psychical researcher and classical scholar Fredrick Myers appears to have provided such high quality cross correspondence evidence from the Otherside, over a number of years, to psychic researchers during which mediums in different locations received snippets of messages that were not able to be understood until they were all pieced together. It was shown in the research that Myers had communicated obscure messages, based on his love of and erudition in the subject of classical literature through these unconnected mediums. These messages dictated by Myers (and some of his spirit colleagues) from the Otherside continued, according to professor Archie Roy, in a recent interview, for a period of about 30 years. Remarkable, to say the least.
The Archangel Michael Example
I've experienced a similar form of cross correspondence validations on a number of occasions myself when providing psychic / mediumship readings to clients. One such incident occurred just the other day. Let me share some of the details with you, here now. (As you read please bear in mind that I tell all of my clients to tell me nothing about themselves in advance of a reading.) A young woman phoned for a reading whom Spirit led me to understand (and which she confirmed in reply) was in a difficult, sometimes abusive, relationship. Unbeknown to me, this very spiritual young woman had had a telephone reading not too long ago, by phone, with another medium living far from England, in Haiti. The medium in Haiti had been led by Spirit to reveal a number of facts to my client, which, without me knowing that this was occurring as I was led by Spirit to address her problem and provide her with some helpful insights and to describe some changes that I sensed were coming her way (for the better) matched what the Haitian psychic had said, so that on several occasions, in response to specific information I passed to her she exclaimed words like 'That's exactly what the psychic in Haiti said too!'. At one point I told her that I was being led to see an image of the Archangel Michael with a sword cutting through a field of negative energy, leading her forwards to safety. She was astounded (and so was I), as she said: 'That's exactly what the psychic in Haiti said'.
Here, for your reference, you can read some of what she wrote to me soon after the reading (please, as you read, take account of the fact that her first language is not English, though she speaks it very well):
Thank you so much for my reading. You left me speechless. You told me things about myself that nobody else but I know about. I had a reading done with another lady psychic from Haiti last October and amazingly you said exactly the very same things as she did. I mean wow! And I'm not exaggerating. The part that touched me the most was when you said Angel Michael is with me, the exact same thing I was told in October. Also the part about my writing was amazing I was told the exact same thing in October as well. Strangely enough nobody else knows about it not even my family. I honestly recommend you to anybody. Thank you.' MH. UK.
I never cease to be amazed by the high quality evidence that the Spirit World is able to provide in readings. Examples of cross correspondence communication, in which two unconnected psychics are inspired to describe exactly the same situations like this I think are astounding.
The American Boyfriend Example
Another recent example of the cross correspondence phenomenon occurred when I did a Skype reading for someone who called from another country. In this situation I was led to describe a number of events (with no prior knowledge of my client) which were, in fine detail, similarly described by another medium just a few months before this person's reading with me. Spirit even led me to describe seeing this man going to America where he'd meet a boyfriend (he was gay) at a cultural event, like classical music or theatre, which had likewise been described by the other psychic, in another country.
High Quality Messages
Good psychic mediums should, on the whole, most often convey identifiable facts to their clients, in the form of specific details of the lives of departed loved ones, along with evidence of each person's character when alive, and on many occasions with names too, as well as describing events in each client's life, including what led up to those events, and some potential future outcomes (all measurable, either by virtue of the fact that the evidence is readily identifiable at the time it's shared, or it manifests, as indicated, over time), along with, perhaps details of spirit guides and guardian angels, as occurred in one of the above examples.